Celebrating a Legacy of Faithfulness
The Senior Adults form an active group in spiritual learning and growth, fellowship together, and service to others.
- Learning and growth—Seniors gather for Bible study and prayer. Watch for details of new studies.
- Fellowship—Potlucks, an annual Christmas luncheon and regular outings are a few examples of social times for our seniors.
- Service—Seniors volunteer many hours each year on church ministry teams, helping with children’s programs, collating weekly bulletins and annual reports, making repairs around the church building, and many other necessary tasks.
Grandparents Prayer & Share (GPS)
During the school year, any grandparents interested in actively walking the journey with your next generations are invited to once-a-month meetings together. We’ll watch a video and have rousing discussion that’s helpful as we strive to leave a godly legacy. Kathy Turgeon has more information.
More for Seniors at Redeemer
- Discover activities for women at Redeemer, including Bible studies a few times a year!
- We have an active men’s group ready to welcome you!
- Community Groups are designed for all adults. Join anytime! Contact Kathy Turgeon
Upcoming Events for 55+ | Look for signup at Information Center
Watch for details!