In the Heat of Summer! Fun for the Kids
July 2025 | Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
For two weeks on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings our soccer field will be filled with kids participating in the Soccer Camp program! Redeemer Covenant Church is teaming up with La Bendición Covenant Church to offer soccer camp for boys and girls ages 3-15+. All skill levels are welcome. The children learn the joy of sports while meeting new friends from the neighborhood and building strong team skills. Most importantly, players are introduced to Jesus in this fun and active setting. Questions: Contact the church office.
Cost. Time. Location.
- Minimal cost per child.
- Scholarships are available on request. Please pay what you can and make a note of the need on the registration form.
Soccer Camp meets Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays on the Redeemer church sports field:
- Ages 3-5 years meet at 5:30 p.m.
- Ages 6-8 years meet at 6 p.m.
- Ages 9-14 years meet at 7 p.m.
- Ages 15+ meet at 8 p.m.
No special equipment is required, but if your child has them, they are encouraged to bring shin guards and soccer cleats.
We need volunteers to coach, serve on the hospitality team, lead the nightly devotions and pray for the ministry! If you are interested in assisting with this program, or if you know children who may be eager to join a team, contact the church office.
Soccer will be canceled in the event of the following severe weather:
- Severe Storm (Thunder and lightning)
- Tornado Warning
- Severe Heat (Heat index over 105° Fahrenheit)
In the event that soccer is canceled, we will alert parents via text and email. Parents should fill out the appropriate form to make sure that you are on our weather alerts list. We will send out alerts no later than 4 p.m. on program days. We will also post soccer cancellations on the Redeemer Covenant Church website:
In the News
- Feature story printed in the August 2011 issue of Covenant Companion magazine
- News story on the Northwest Conference website
- News coverage in the May 2011 issue of Minnesota Christian Chronicle newspaper, page 1