I find that about 90% of the time that I’m shaving in the morning, there’s a song running through my head, a song that just pops up on my brain’s playlist. Sometimes it’s a folk tune, sometimes a hymn, sometimes an obscure ‘80’s rock song. Recently, the tune of the day was “Forward by Faith,” a hymn written by the choir director at the Covenant church my wife and I attended in Connecticut, early in our marriage. Having just received such an affirming congregational vote on the pastoral call the night before, this struck me as a fitting soundtrack indeed.
I am incredibly excited and deeply humbled by the call to serve as Redeemer’s next senior pastor. It’s been a joy to serve among you since last Labor Day, and I’m so enthused by the spirit of the congregation in leaning together toward God’s next steps for us. Thank you for the continued trust you have placed in me as you have now called me to serve long-term. Thank you, too, for your desire to serve, and for your commitment to invest your time, your talent, and your treasure in moving forward in shared ministry.
I believe that God has great days ahead for Redeemer, and I sense that our commitment to follow God’s lead and not necessarily cling to “business as usual” will require growing, active faith. As we listen to one another and listen for the Spirit’s leading as he is active in the hearts and lives of both staff and laypersons, let us place our trust in God as we follow where he leads. God has been so incredibly faithful over the decades of Redeemer’s ministry, and he will surely continue to be faithful. Let us commit ourselves to prayer and to deep study of God’s Word as we prepare ourselves for the challenges, opportunities and adventures ahead.
I want to thank you for the warm welcome you have extended to my family and me. You’ve taken the time to get to know us and to allow us to get to know you. You’ve allowed me to lead and to serve. You’ve welcomed my voice and shared yours. I look forward to discovering ways that we can together welcome more individuals and families to join us in ministry, to find themselves increasingly equipped for life and discipleship because of their time with us, and to serve alongside us both within our doors and beyond, into the community and the world.
It’s been such a joy to work with the staff and leadership of Redeemer! We’ve got a gifted, committed team of staff here, and I encourage you to encourage them however you can. Our Leadership Team, Elders, and ministry team leaders and members are all committed to doing what they can and using their gifts to broaden and deepen the impact of Redeemer’s ministries. It has been a real inspiration to me to witness that.
We worship and serve an awesome, glorious God who loves us beyond comprehension. We could not be in better hands. Jesus Christ is faithful and is both our goal and our guide. I look forward to the years ahead and the journey together as we move forward by faith! “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:1b-2a).
Pastor Ben