Worship And Sermon: On The Road With Jesus: Too Busy Not To Stop
(18:00) Redeemer’s mission: To join God’s work by reaching, discipling and equipping people to courageously and authentically live out God’s Word in Brooklyn Park and beyond
(22:29) “What’s fascinating to me, and encouraging to me today, is that we don’t always have to be physically together to keep moving forward in that mission. We can still BE the church even during this season of not being AT the church building. It’s a time for us to be creative in our mission. It’s a time when the world around us really needs to see the love of God through his people. It’s a time when people courageously and authentically living out the word of God have a special opportunity to have real impact.”
(23:21) Challenge: “I invite you to think about YOUR mission as a disciple of Jesus Christ. What does it look like to be ‘on mission’ these days in your life? How can you stay connected to Jesus in this time? How can you share his love in this time, a time of unknown and relative isolation? In these days ahead we’ll be inviting you to special opportunities to continue to grow in your walk as a Christian and to reach out to those around you.”