Come hang out on Sundays, grab some coffee or a smoothie, and chat with friends in our new Cafe Commons area. From your seat at a cafe table, you can easily see where Adult Formation classes will happen and where parents can bring kids for check-in to our secure nursery and classrooms. Restrooms are nearby, and the big lobby monitor will remind you when it’s time to get to the worship service. See you there on Sundays!
Main Goals accomplished by this project
Redeemer’s “Building” Declaration: Develop and implement a master property improvement plan that will meet the changing needs of our growing congregation and mission by the end of 2021
We now have an open environment where all are welcome to worship, gather and fellowship, plus learn to live and serve like Jesus. Our new Cafe Commons area provides a centralized location that connects all areas of ministry and simplifies the navigation within the building. New layout and check-in procedures have increased the security for children, our staff and the congregation.
You can still give!
Thank you for participating with your gifts and prayers! Any additional donations will still be used for property improvement as needs arise. Donate Nowto the “Building Campaign.”
See the remodel photos (most recent at top)
Summer/Fall 2021 – We’re living into it:
If you’re new around here, stop by the Welcome Center to get acquainted and pick up your free gift!We love making connections in the Cafe Commons!The Cafe Commons is a great space for special events, too.The sanctuary got a new wall of glass, conveniently separating it from the lobby right outside.Just off the sanctuary is our Family Room for little ones supervised by parents, with livestream of the service.The kids get checked in by their parents, then join the secure refreshed classrooms.The new Meeting Room is packed with folks eager for learning together.The new expanded lobby accommodates comfortable traffic flow.The office reception area is open Tue-Wed-Thu 9am-4pm.
October 14, 2021 – Check out the custom wall art in our new spaces:
Upon entering the sanctuary lobby you’ll notice a playful rendition of our tagline: Growing Together, Going TogetherIn the Cafe Commons is a colorful, eye-catching display of Redeemer’s Logo, Vision and Mission.A clear challenge of what we aspire to BE in Christ and DO through Christ.Turns out, wallpaper is still in style!The full-wall photo collage demonstrates Redeemer’s heart for both local and global ministry. Here you’ll notice familiar smiling faces representing our diversity of age, gender, ethnicity, and service outreach near and afar.The intentional messages continue in the office reception area with framed art in a smaller-sized version of our Vision/Mission.Our weekday visitors/vendors to the church office will catch a glimpse of Redeemer’s purpose and focus toward our neighbors in Brooklyn Park and beyond.
Apr 25, 2021 – Come visit the completed spaces:
Apr 13, 2021 – A seat to sit on:
Our new furniture has arrived!May we offer you a seat?Cafe is ready for connecting – well, almost anyway.Can’t wait to see you here someday soon!Thanks to our furniture friends at Economically Correct for a seamless delivery & installation.Yes, these bench seats are comfortable …… and modular too.Aaron installed water filters for coffee makersTalk about faithful – and persistent – servants!
Apr 2, 2021 – We’re seeing finishing touches:
Mar 26, 2021 – Easy way-finding:
Mar 22, 2021 – Beautiful millwork installed:
Mar 12, 2021 – Here comes the color:
Mar 06, 2021 – Painting, painting, painting:
Feb 22, 2021 – More drywall, taping, sanding:
North wall of new gathering lobby is sheet-rockedNew meeting room taking shapeOur Interiors Team of volunteers is carefully selecting furniture for the gathering lobbyLooking forward to sitting and chatting with a cup of coffee – but that may be a while yet!Watching over important details
Feb 1, 2021 – It’s taking shape:
Rear wall of new gathering lobbyExtensive restroom renoWe hope to soon be sitting in this new meeting room for adult education classes.Two cafe counter supports
Jan 25, 2021 – Thanks to our volunteers:
Willing hearts using their God-given talents for careful demoThanks to Tom T, Gary B and Chuck K for safely removing the old HVACChuck assembling a table to get the Internet routers up off the floor. He built the top from one of the sides of the old HVAC unit. Note stairs Chuck built between the old HVAC room and the old overhead storage where the new HVAC will go.Sanctuary pillars built to frame new glass windows and doorsSo many elements in place to make this a welcoming gathering spaceWest entrance gets a makeoverRemodeled church office space will be more functionalDiagonal entry doorway to new adult education classroom
Jan 18, 2021 – Framing and plumbing:
Old nursery is becoming three new officesThe sun is shining on the updates to this children’s classroomChildren’s restrooms at the back of this photoOverhead pipe for HVAC in the gathering lobbyAll ready for cafe plumbingWelcome openings between sanctuary lobby and new gathering lobby
Jan 11, 2021 – This week is all about the doors:
Preparing for new double-doors between gathering lobby and sanctuary lobbyEven the Administrative hallway gets a new door between reception and officesMoving the choir room door to create a new emergency exitSunshine Room ready for new entry. Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel?
Jan 4, 2021 – Good thing we’re getting new floors:
Previous workroom and small kitchenWe will soon be serving your Sunday coffee from this openingMain restrooms adjacent to new lobbyNursery restroom demo so this space can now become a new staff office
Dec 28, 2020 – Property Team Walk-through:
Property Team surveying the progress with architectConferring on AV cables to run above ceiling tilesLooking down central hallway toward gym doorsSignificant trenching in prep for the new restroom layouts
Dec 21, 2020 – Spaces Opening Up:
New meeting room will be used for adult education and smaller gatheringsNew family room for use during worship services
Dec 9, 2020 – Demo Continues:
Old ceiling light fixtures are gone so a temporary shop lamp will doWest entry floor tile has been removed
Dec 4, 2020 – What a Difference a Week Makes:
Space opened up for new family restroom and cafeChurch office has a new design comingChurch office is temporarily located in Memorial RoomEnd of Week 1 of demolition
Dec 1, 2020 – Second Day of Demolition:
The view we’ve been waiting for!Central hallway opened up
Nov 30, 2020 – First Day of Demolition:
Here we go!First day of demolitionCentral hallwayThe mailboxes wall
Oct 2020 – Youth Room Refresh:
A good cleaning and colorful accentsNew carpet ties together the room colors