Park Brook Elementary School
We are partnering with the students and staff!
- Watch here for notifications of our School Supplies Drive to help students who need essential elements for learning.
- Pray for our neighboring schools, the staff, the principal, and, of course, the students.
All-Church Service Events
We love working on projects together as we reach out in various ways!
- The Sandwich Project: handmade sandwiches for local distribution.
- Operation Christmas Child: children’s gifts packed in shoeboxes for global distribution by Samaritan’s Purse.
- CEAP: Community Emergency Assistance Programs in Brooklyn Park; food drives, clothes drives, volunteer hours.
Feed My Starving Children
Help turn hunger into hope!
With your own two hands, join in packing nutritious meals for hungry children around the world. This all-church service project is open to all ages 5+. Watch for dates of our next session. Pre-registration is required!
Can’t join us at a packing session? Consider participating through giving! On average, we each produce $52 of food in one packing session. You can make an online donation to offset the cost of packing.
Blessing to Bless
We can share facilities and events together.
On March 8, 2009, Redeemer Covenant Church entered a partnership to reach the Hispanic community for Christ as La Bendición Covenant Church began meeting in the Redeemer facility. Their stated mission is “to transform families with God’s power, love and bless to be blessing.” They take their vision from Genesis 12:2-3, “You will be a blessing to bless,” and seek to call the community to AGAPE:
- Adorar a Diós con Pasión
- Ganar familias
- Adiestrar Discipulos
- Proclamar la Palabra de Dios
- Extender la bendición
Translated, La Bendición Covenant Church desires to Worship God with passion, Win families to God, Train disciples, Proclaim God’s Word, and Extend blessings.