Sermon Series

Oh, Oh, I’m Not Sure I Want To Hear This!

Starting January 5, 2025

We begin this new year with a study from the book of Jeremiah, the Old Testament prophet who has much for us to glean from his experience following God. Jeremiah was set aside before birth as a prophet of the Lord, to take a message to Judah and to the nations, urging them to repent and turn to the one true God. It isn’t difficult to understand how his message from God still applies to us today.

Nourishing Names of Jesus

December 1 – 29, 2024

What’s in a name? We want to discover who Jesus is and what he’s come to do. So during this Advent season, we will be learning from various Scripture passages about these names of Jesus: Lamb, Son, Savior, King, Mediator, First. We will see how Jesus sustains us in his coming.

Resilient Joy

September 8 – November 24, 2024

The book of Philippians, in the Bible, is full of tips for living a joyful life in relationship with God. As opposed to fleeting happiness, true joy is found in knowing and serving God. So even though life might beat us down, or bend us out of shape, or bury us in seemingly impossible circumstances, we can bounce back with God’s strength found through the resilient everlasting JOY of Jesus!

Tell Me A Story

June 9 – September 1, 2024

We’re taking a deep dive into the parables of the gospels as Jesus tells us Kingdom stories of grace and judgment. Many of these biblical stories will be familiar to you. But you might be surprised to discover new angles and perspectives applicable to our everyday lives as we seek to live by faith.

Coincidence Or Covenant?

April 7 – June 2, 2024

The Old Testament book of Esther is a compelling story of God’s surprising and powerful work for his people when facing grave danger. What happens in this story is not a coincidence, but the work of God who is faithful to his Covenant with his people. This study will build our faith in the faithful God who brought Jesus into the world and then defeated death through him.

Preparing For The Distress Ahead

February 25 – March 31, 2024

As Jesus was nearing the end of his earthly walk with the disciples, he began preparing them for some days of distress, in addition to the joy no matter what happens. During this Lenten season, we’ll explore the deep meaning of Easter victory, as Jesus trains us to live faithfully for him.

Savoring The Greatness Of God

January 7 – February 18, 2024

This sermon series focuses on worship as instructed and taught to us in the Psalms. Joyful, grateful praise is at the heart of worship, and we want to further develop that within all of us as the people of God. You are encouraged to memorize Psalm 100 as we seek to deepen our participation in joyful praise to the Lord.

Light Is Dawning

November 26 – December 31, 2023

The baby we celebrate at Christmas is Jesus, proclaimed as Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. From the book of Isaiah, this series focuses on this special child who brings light, transformation, hope and peace to our everyday lives.

You Are Divinely Chosen

September 10 – November 12, 2023

“You Are Divinely Chosen” – Can you even imagine the profound meaning of that? From the book of 1 John, Pastor Dan leads us through this sermon series with the theme: “God who appointed Christ has also chosen you to serve him.” We’ve been selected for an intentional specific purpose! Let’s explore this topic together.

Better Than Diamonds

June 18 – September 3, 2023

Growing in wisdom can sound like a lofty goal. Follow along with these weekly teachings to gain some practical insight on the vast subject of wisdom and why it’s so valuable. Pastor Dan explains wisdom is knowledge that intersects with daily living, so we can live out how God created us to live. You’ll be glad you listened in!

Jesus Is The Good News

January 15 – June 11, 2023
(We apologize the January 29 sermon recording is not available.)

This sermon series explores the Gospel of Mark with focus on Jesus coming to bring good news. We seek to better know and understand Jesus’ identity as the Messiah, the Son of God, and his ministry to build the Kingdom of God. We’ll answer the questions: How may we better live out the good news of Jesus in our lives? And why does it matter?

The Canvas Of Christmas

November 27 – December 24, 2022

The coming of Jesus is just as important today as it was when he arrived 2,000 years ago! In these weeks of Advent, we’ll see how the Scriptures paint a beautiful picture on the “canvas” of Christmas so we can learn, value, appreciate and live into the coming of Jesus Christ. Each week we will study the portraits of several biblical characters preparing the way for Jesus to help us see a glimpse, a picture, a slice of what God’s work has done in his redemptive power for us.

The Incomparable Jesus

September 11 – November 20, 2022

We are excited to dig deep into the biblical book of Hebrews in this sermon series called “The Incomparable Jesus.” This study highlights what we are taught about Jesus Christ and what he’s done for us, including how he’s superior to everything else. These amazing truths and wonders just may change your life!

God’s Sovereignty Empowers Our Living Faith

August 14, 21, and September 4, 2022
(We apologize the August 14 sermon recording is not available.)

Our world is filled with pain, confusion, uncertainty and perplexing events. Wickedness is thriving. This sermon series explores lessons from the biblical book of the prophet Habakkuk, helping us understand we must sometimes wait and appreciate delay as God moves in his own timing to answer prayer, bring judgment and deliver the righteous. It is a matter of faith! Will we trust the God who loves us, the God who cares?

Journey To Bethlehem

November 28 – December 19, 2021

The Christmas story is one we’re very familiar with, as we already know all of the details. In this series of four messages, Pastor Tim leads us in exploring the well-known story through the eyes of four biblical characters who were connected to the Lord in various ways. Learn how their lives each shed fresh light on the life of Jesus and his role as our Savior, the Messiah, the one who was so long anticipated.

The Blazing Center

April 11 – May 16, 2021

The Holy Spirit can sometimes be the “forgotten” person of the Trinity. But for Jesus’s first followers, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost changed everything. That same Spirit empowered and guided the rapidly expanding Church in the first century. This series, anchored in the book of Acts, explores the work and call of the Spirit in our lives and church today.

I Give Up!

February 21 – March 21, 2021

During the season of Lent (the six weeks leading up to Easter) Christians sometimes consider giving something up: chocolate, soda pop, watching movies, etc. In this series of messages, we’re going to see if there is anything God is asking us to surrender for good (and for the good of ourselves and those around us).

First Things First

January 17 – February 14, 2021

How can we get our priorities straight in the new year? When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Ephesus, he wanted to make sure that their understanding of God and of God’s plans for them would shape everything they did. In this teaching series, we will learn how to pay attention to those plans and ask God to help us put first things first.

Company’s Coming

December 6 – 24, 2020

In this season of Advent, during these challenging pandemic times, we don’t exactly know what our Christmas gatherings will look like. But we believe and trust that we will once again celebrate Immanuel—God with us—on Christmas and that Christ will one day return. This series of messages will help us prepare our hearts as we wait.

Growing Together in Love

September 20 – November 8, 2020

When the Apostle Paul wrote about love, he described it in ways that make us long for a lot more love in our world and in our lives. During this sermon series we’ll explore real love according to 1 Corinthians 13, and we’ll discover how real love provides a much-needed antidote to the poisoning sickness around us and inside us. Come see how much God truly loves you and how God can empower you to love more deeply than ever.

Meeting Jesus: Encounters That Transform Lives

July 26 – August 30, 2020

In the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) we discover encounter after encounter between Jesus and people who were utterly transformed because of their time with him. In this series, together we’ll see how our lives can be changed from the inside-out through encounters with Jesus.

Real Life

June 14 – July 12, 2020

Jesus came to Earth in tough times and said that he came so people could have abundant life, life to its fullest. The Apostle Paul wrote a lot to the church in Rome about what that abundant life should look like in Christians and in the Christian Church. In this sermon series, we’ll dive into the book of Romans to see what this “real life” that Paul holds up to us looks like in real life today.

The Way of Love

May 10 – 24, 2020

We can choose to live our lives in ways that reflect and multiply the love with which God loves us, or in ways that tend to deplete love and cut it off. God’s Word talks about three important love areas in our lives and shows us just how interconnected they’re meant to be.

On the Road with Jesus

March 1 – April 5, 2020

Jesus spent about three years with his disciples, and they covered a lot of ground over that time. Often, Jesus taught his disciples while on the move, pointing things out along the road and using encounters and “interruptions” as key kingdom lessons. In this Lenten series, we’ll join Jesus’ disciples in their travels through the Gospel of Mark, learning alongside them from the Master.

footprints in sand

Long Road, Faithful God

January 26 – February 23, 2020

The book of Exodus paints a picture of a remarkable journey marked by God’s call to Moses, to the nation of Israel, and to all who choose to follow him. On this journey, God proves faithful despite the fickleness of people, and God provides reliably in moments of dire need. He points people back to himself and invites them into a beautiful relationship with himself. In this series, we’ll discover God’s call to us today, as individuals and as a body of believers united in Christ.

Our Greatest Gifts

December 1 – 24, 2019

As we approach Christmas, we naturally begin to think of giving and receiving gifts. Each week during this season of Advent, we’ll consider how we’ve been given a particular gift (and what it means to fully embrace it), and we’ll consider how we’re invited to give this gift generously, joyfully and creatively.

sermon series bullseye target dart

Five Ministry Declarations

October 13 – November 10, 2019

This series focuses on each of Redeemer’s five Ministry Declarations (culture, worship, building, discipleship, and community impact). We will examine the biblical foundation for each. Pastor Ben will share his own enthusiasm about God’s call to us in each of these areas. You’ll hear about opportunities to get involved. Our prayer is that by the end of 2021, by God’s grace and through concerted effort, we’ll celebrate significant progress in each of these five areas.

faith community keeping vision in focus

A Church on a Mission

September 15 – 29, 2019

This sermon series takes a deep dive into Redeemer’s Mission Statement. We’ll explore together how we can join God’s work in reaching, discipling and equipping those who are already here with us, and those whom God would have us invite to join us. Together, we’ll discover how all of these efforts can help us encourage one another to embody the Bible’s call to courageous, authentic life.

Dear Exiles…

June 2 – 30, 2019

The Apostle Peter wrote two letters to Christians who found themselves scattered throughout the Roman Empire. Peter reminded them that they were chosen by God, cleansed by the Holy Spirit and called to lives of obedience to Jesus Christ wherever they were. As we look at Peter’s first letter, we’ll find much to guide us as people seeking to follow Jesus and lead godly lives in a world where that seems increasingly counter-cultural.

faith community keeping vision in focus

God’s Call, Our Future

March 10 – 31, 2019

We are excited that Redeemer just revealed our renewed Vision Statement. Let’s explore it in depth and see how God’s Word can guide us in living it out. In this sermon series, we’ll begin to consider together what tangible steps we can take as ministry priorities, as we ask God to empower us in making this vision an increasingly clear and vital reality in our congregation.

Hidden in Plain Sight

February 3 – 24, 2019

Each week of this sermon series, we’ll dig into a different book of the Old Testament to discover the riches hidden there. We’ll explore how the unique kinds of writing we find in the Old Testament (poetry, history, law and prophecy) reveal different facets of God’s plan and character. We’ll also discover how Jesus Christ is “hidden” (in reality, revealed) in the pages of this large but often-overlooked part of the Bible.

Coming Home

December 2 – 23, 2018

Christmastime and thoughts of home just go together. Christmas songs, movies and TV shows feature stories of people going to their family home for the holidays. We might light candles and have family prayer during Advent, or decorate a Christmas tree, or host festive parties. This series teaches how Advent and the Christmas Season are about another kind of homecoming—the homecoming of Christ to redeem and renew us, this earth, and all creation until “heaven and nature sing” with joy eternally.

Grateful Hearts, Generous Lives

October 21 – November 11, 2018

This sermon series teaches us how giving from a grateful heart helps us grow and recognize God’s work in our lives. At Redeemer, we call people to join us in mission, and we emphasize opportunities to support our shared mission in life-giving ways through investments of talents, time and treasure. Let’s each ask where God is leading us in next steps of commitment, both of finances and other resources, so that we can live generous, God-honoring lives.

Ready for the Call

September 9 – 30, 2018

There are four important ways that we as a congregation and as individual followers of Jesus can be best prepared to respond to the call of Jesus we find in the gospels. Readiness in these four areas prepares us for effective, vibrant, vital ministry. Engage with this invigorating series to discover how we can be a church with competence, with clarity, with compassion, and a church that’s conscious of the cost.


July 29 – August 26, 2018

We seem to easily come up with new ways to divide ourselves—by ethnicity, age, gender, sexuality, political party, or whatever other labels we ascribe. The church is not exempt from these divisions. Yet Jesus modeled how unity looks as he humbled himself to live among us and join us in the sufferings of this world. This sermon series teaches us how to work toward the goal of humbling ourselves and joining together with our sisters and brothers.

It’s All About Love

June 10 – July 8, 2018

The tiny book of 1 John, in the Bible, is packed full of good stuff around the subject of love. In this sermon series, we focus on a chapter at a time as we learn truths about the Forgiving Love of God, Loving Like Jesus, Love that Points to God, and Love that Sustains.

Philippians: Partners in the Gospel

April 8 – May 6, 2018

We are called as Christians to partner with one another and with Jesus Christ as we live out and share the joy-filled, good news of new life in Jesus. In this series, we’ll discover how to model our lives after the self-emptying and others-orientation of Jesus. The result? Freedom for joyful, thankful, prayer-filled lives marked by the peace that only God can give.

Work Matters

February 11 – March 4, 2018

Connecting our “Sunday Worship” and our “Monday Work” can be quite the challenge. Whether you’re fully-employed, under-employed, stay-at-home parents, retirees, students, etc., this sermon series will explore reasons and ideas for living out your faith in your place of work. Weekly topics will address but not be limited to the 9-5 work force.

We Are For Our Neighbors!

January 7 – 28, 2018

As a new year begins, explore with us what happens when we take the focus off ourselves and choose to reach out with genuine care, concern and curiosity to those near us at home, work and church. What might it look like for us to love our neighbors as Jesus teaches us to love them?

Are We There Yet?

December 3 – 24, 2017

This Advent season, as we wait for Christmas, Pastor Ben’s new sermon series focuses on a question often heard from our children while on a road trip: “Are we there yet?” As we contemplate the waiting that’s part of life, let’s review the journeys of several biblical characters who certainly endured quite the wait!

In the Beginning…

September 24 – October 29, 2017 (with a break on Oct. 8 for Taste of Africa)

The book of Genesis provides an account of God’s earliest interactions with humankind that can continue to shape our lives today. It’s a book filled with adventures and with human examples (both good and bad) that we can learn a lot from. It also beautifully illustrates the continuous thread of God’s provision and faithfulness, as we pay particular attention to the life of Joseph.

Real Life, Real Freedom

June 4 – July 2, 2017

The Apostle Paul wrote the letter of Galatians to a church that was hung up on following customs and rituals to earn God’s favor. As we dive into this letter together, we’ll discover that the life that is offered through the grace of Jesus Christ frees us up to receive God’s amazing love and to serve others through transformed lives and by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Kingdom Living

January 1 – February 12, 2017

What does it mean for Christians to participate in God’s work in the world? How can we live our lives now as citizens of God’s Kingdom, and not just wait for the Kingdom of Heaven down the road or at the end of our lives? Each week we’ll look at one aspect of the kind of kingdom lives that God empowers us to live.