Experiencing It All
Just as getting ready to travel means stuffing your dufflebag with a toothbrush and a bar of soap, so discovering all the adventures on this journey of life requires preparation. Redeemer youth activities are intentionally designed to help middle school and high school students gain an understanding of God’s amazing love for us and his plan that we follow and serve Jesus.
If you’d like to chat about youth activities at Redeemer, feel free to contact the church office.
- Annual registration form for students – includes photo release
Snapshot of SCHOOL-YEAR Youth Events
- Youth Gathering | 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m.
Covenant Pines Bible Camp
Discover why we love Bible Camp for our youth! | www.covenantpines.org
- Watch for registration info each summer
- Contact the church office to learn more about our scholarships for camp
- Every Fall – Covenant Pines Retreats on MEA Weekend
Junior High (Grades 6-8), Wed-Fri
Senior High (Grades 9-12), Fri-Sun
The Big Picture
- Teaching and Growth | Youth Group, Small Groups
- Leadership Development | Worship Team, Adventures in Leadership, Camp Junior Staff
- Service and Mission | Mission trips, Feed My Starving Children, RCC Cafe
- Fellowship and Community | Youth Group and Community Group
- Special Events | Retreats, Covenant Pines Bible Camp, Unite
Covenant Unite Youth Conference
- What is it? See the promo video on Vimeo
- Visit the Unite website
- Unite registration is open
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