Categories: Pastor's Blog

Elections and Jesus

Fall is here in force, new activities and a new school year have all begun, while we enjoy the blessing of fall happenings. One specific item that this fall 2024 brings is the political atmosphere of the November elections. Our presidential leader, senators, congress, local offices and school boards are up for election. The messages, the advertising, the mudslinging can be aggravating and overwhelming – so what are we to do?

The key point for us as disciples of Jesus Christ is to keep the Kingdom of God first and foremost in mind and action. We love our country, our state, our cities, but our greater priority is God’s kingdom. Paul teaches us in Philippians 3:20-21, “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control.”

Knowing that God is sovereign and Jesus Christ reigns over all the kingdoms of this world enables us to be people who do not fear, have no anxiety, and are not disabled by the political process and happenings. Whoever is elected as our next president exists and leads under the greater hand of God, so we fear not.

As we live in this world, we are to engage and get involved in the events of our day. We vote for the candidate who best reflects our lives in Christ, we speak up and get involved as God leads us, yet always remembering that God himself in on the throne of the universe today, tomorrow and forever. Involved, without fear, praying, trusting the Sovereign Lord and remembering our greatest citizenship is in heaven. This is how we are to approach this coming election cycle as people of Christ.

Pastor Dan