There are certain times in our lives when we’re essentially “coasting along,” working to keep things moving forward or at least not slipping backwards. There are other times when we make a commitment—a declaration—to make significant progress and accomplish specific goals. Redeemer’s leadership has embraced just such a “declaration” moment.
Our five ministry declarations are:
- Culture: Define and grow a culture that is a welcoming, loving and supportive intercultural community, centered on Christ.
- Worship: Create compelling worship services and ministries, engaging our diverse congregation, which are conducive to evangelism, discipleship and fellowship, meeting people where they are as we worship and glorify God.
- Building: Develop and implement a master property improvement plan that will meet the changing needs of our growing congregation and mission.
- Discipleship: Develop and implement an overarching framework and coordinated process for developing lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ.
- Community Action: Identify one significant need within Brooklyn Park; then, design and implement a program meeting this need, in partnership between community members and our congregation.
Our shared mission:
Later this month, we’ll be launching a sermon series that will focus on each of these five ministry declarations, most of which are structured to show significant, tangible progress by the end of 2021. This will truly be an “all hands on deck” season for our congregation, as these declarations are simply too big for staff, leadership and a few others to undertake. I’m so thankful that Redeemer is a congregation made up of so many people willing to invest their time, energy, talents and resources into the shared mission to which God has called us.
During the upcoming sermon series, we’ll explore how God’s Word can guide us in each of these areas and discover why these five ministry declarations are so important to our mission in Brooklyn Park and beyond. You’ll have an opportunity to hear more details about a different ministry declaration each week and will be presented with leadership updates and opportunities to get involved. Even now, I ask that you review the declarations above and see whether God is stirring your heart toward engagement in one or two of these ministry areas in particular.
Get involved:
We’ll of course be involved in other aspects of ministry not directly captured in these declarations, but much of our attention and focus will be directed in these five areas through the end of 2021. Our goal is that, by that time, we can look back at our progress in these areas and recognize that, by God’s grace, power and provision, we’re at a very different place than we were in the fall of 2019.
Please plan to join us for these Sundays beginning October 13, and please also mark you calendar for November 17, when we’ll gather at the fall congregational meeting. You’ll have the opportunity there to hear more about our entire strategic plan, to celebrate God’s faithfulness over the past six months since we last met, to make important leadership and budget decisions for 2020, and (of course) to catch up over pie and coffee afterward.
With you in mission,
Pastor Ben